Course Description:
This course describes the three reasons why anyone ever thought anything was immeasurable – and why all three are illusions. If you have not yet purchased or enrolled in this course, please click here.

Course Syllabus
Learn how understanding the concept, object, and methods of measurement can make anything measurable.
- Modules: 3
- Live Q&A sessions: 1
- Quizzes/assignments: 3
Materials Provided
PowerPoint slides
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Decisions Under Uncertainty, Statistical Measurement Methods: Basic, Creating Simulations in Excel

Douglas Hubbard is the inventor of the Applied Information Economics (AIE) method and founder of Hubbard Decision Research (HDR). He is the author of How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of Intangibles in Business, The Failure of Risk Management: Why It’s Broken and How to Fix It, Pulse: The New Science of Harnessing Internet Buzz to Track Threats and Opportunities and his latest book, How to Measure Anything in Cybersecurity Risk (Wiley, 2016). He has sold over 170,000 copies of his books in eight different languages. Two of his books are required reading for the Society of Actuaries exam prep. In addition to his books, Mr. Hubbard has been published in several periodicals including Nature, The IBM Journal of Research and Development, OR/MS Today, Analytics, CIO, Information Week, and Architecture Boston.
About the Office Hours
Use the form on the right to sign up for office hours. Upon submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation email and a calendar invitation.
- This time is reserved for students to come and ask questions about the course or related content and to interact with a live instructor.
- There are no prerequisites for attending this session besides being enrolled in the course.
- You can book multiple sessions while you are actively enrolled in the course, but please no more than one per week per course.
Note: This service is provided to supplement your online course material; it is not intended to replace any of the recorded content or review quizzes.