AIE Analyst Series
MASTER the Methods of Advanced Quantitative Modeling
Hubbard Decision Research (HDR) is introducing the fully asynchronous AIE Analyst Series. The AIE Analyst Series consists of a total of 18 hours of content delivered in 7 courses. In this comprehensive training package, participants will learn how to apply quantitative analysis which measurably improves on expert judgement even in the most complex situations and with limited data.
By the end of this training, there will be no “intangible” you can’t measure and you will completely rethink what and how you measure things to support the biggest decisions you make.
7 Course Bundle
Interactive Video Courses on the AIE Academy

Course 1: Calibration Training
In this course, participants will learn how to assess subjective probabilities in a way that can be both measured and measurably improved. By the end of the training, participants will see that their assigned probabilites relfect real uncertainy – that is, they are right 80% of the time they are 80% confident, 90% of the time they are 90% confident, and so on.

Course 2: How to Measure Anything: Principles of AIE
Which decision-making methods work best? How does measuring “intangibles” relate to answering this question? This course covers the “why” as well as providing a simplified conceptual overview of the “how” for Applied Information Economics (AIE). Participants will learn about the research behind why some decision-making methods outperform others, and how the best methods depend on measurements

Course 3: Decisions Under Uncertainty
Learn how to understand how Monte Carlo models can be used to analyze a decision and give insight into planning further measurements as well as comparing the results to a stated risk tolerance.

Course 4: Simulations in Excel: Basic
Simulations have been shown to measurably improve estimates, but many decision models currently lack this critical element. Learn how to create simulations in native Microsoft Excel that can lead to better decisions in any field. This course includes self-paced Computer-Based Training (CBT) with online review questions as well as an Optional Live Workshop.

Course 5: Simulations in Excel: Intermediate
What’s the chance that a project will lose money or be cancelled? What’s the most likely return on investment for a given investment? How likely is a particular risk or set of risks to happen – and how severe could their impacts be?
Learn how to improve on Creating Simulations (Basic) in native Microsoft Excel that can lead to better decisions in any field.

Course 6: Statistical Measurement Methods in Excel: Basic
Get hands on experience using methods to analyze data and build models. There is an emphasis on regression methods as well as an introduction to the log odds ratio.

Course 7: Statistical Measurement Methods in Excel: Intermediate
This course introduces additional quantitative methods and includes a dynamic tool for doing multivariate regressions in Excel. Get hands on experience using methods to analyse data and build models. There is an emphasis on regression methods as well as an introduction to the log odds ratio.
7 Online Courses Delivered Through The AIE Academy
Learn how to model simulations and approach measurement problems like a pro
Harness Monte Carlo Simulations for Comprehensive Risk Models
Signups for the training are now live. Group discounts available.
What you will get:
- 7 interactive video courses presented by Doug Hubbard and the HDR Team
- 18+ total hours of video content and online activities
- A full set of Excel based power tools for analysis