The IT Measurement Inversion

By Douglas Hubbard
CIO Enterprise Magazine, 04/15/1999

This article is about our research on the value of measurements and measurement priorities. We find that if “information value” were properly quantified in most IT CBA’s, we would see that IT measurement priorities are backward. [view article]

Hurdling Risk

By Douglas Hubbard
CIO Enterprise Magazine, 06/15/1998

Hurdle rates are a minimum-ROI criterion used by some companies as approval of IT investments. Our research shows that if a proper Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) approach is used, most IT hurdle rates are far too low. [view article]

Everything is Measurable

By Douglas Hubbard
CIO Enterprise Magazine, 11/15/1997

This article is our classic and oft-quoted refutation of the idea of “intangibles” in IT. All perceived intangibles are actually an illusion caused by one of three types of misconceptions about measurement. [view article]

Risk VS. Return

By Douglas Hubbard
InformationWeek, 06/30/1997

We were invited to write the first installment in a new series of guest-author articles for Information Week. This article describes some basic concepts for a how IT might apply the concepts of risk and return so common in finance. [inactive link]