Use Caution with Function Points

Case Study by Bill Roberts, analysis by Douglas Hubbard
CIO Enterprise Magazine, 10/15/2000

A case study written by Bill Roberts of how Nielsen Media uses Function Points to manage outsourcing. Doug Hubbard’s commentary focuses on the shortcomings of FPA for that purpose. [inactive link]

Keep on Trackin’

Case Study by Bill Roberts, Analysis by Doug Hubbard
CIO Enterprise Magazine, 06/15/2000

Bill Roberts presents the case of how the largest trucking carrier in the US, Scheider National, made a business case for a new trailer tracking system. Mr. Hubbard’s commentary points out that their use of some decision theory methods were impressive, but they missed an opportunity to quantify some things they too quickly labeled “intangible”. Some significant benefits are left out of their analysis resulting in, frankly, a mediocre return. Fortunately, Schneider chose to implement the system regardless of the unimpressive payback. [inactive link]