Do The Math
Scott Berinato
CIO Magazine, 10/1/2001
Berinato talks to several IT value experts including Doug Hubbard. [inactive link]
Scott Berinato
CIO Magazine, 10/1/2001
Berinato talks to several IT value experts including Doug Hubbard. [inactive link]
Case Study by Eric Krell
Business Technology, 07/24/2001
This article reviews the substance of the IT Financial Managers Association convention in Boston on July 10-13. The article focuses on three out of 30 presenters at the event. It dedicates a few paragraphs to the “IT Measurement Inversion” presentation Doug Hubbard is often asked to give at conferences. [inactive link]
Case Study by Bill Roberts, Analysis by Doug Hubbard
CIO Enterprise Magazine, 06/15/2000
Bill Roberts presents the case of how the largest trucking carrier in the US, Scheider National, made a business case for a new trailer tracking system. Mr. Hubbard’s commentary points out that their use of some decision theory methods were impressive, but they missed an opportunity to quantify some things they too quickly labeled “intangible”. Some significant benefits are left out of their analysis resulting in, frankly, a mediocre return. Fortunately, Schneider chose to implement the system regardless of the unimpressive payback. [inactive link]
Case Study by Richard Pastore, Analysis by Doug Hubbard
CIO Enterprise Magazine, 02/15/2000
CIO staff writer Richard Pastore writes a case study about how Capital Blue Cross of Harrisburg, PA evaluated a proposed decision-support system. Doug Hubbard then finishes with a commentary on the pros and cons of their approach. [view article]
By Douglas Hubbard
CIO Enterprise Magazine, 04/15/1999
This article is about our research on the value of measurements and measurement priorities. We find that if “information value” were properly quantified in most IT CBA’s, we would see that IT measurement priorities are backward. [view article]