Big Decisions Blog

The latest news and insights from the team at Hubbard Decision Research

It’s All an Illusion

It's All an Illusion by Douglas Hubbard Boston Society of Architects, Sept/Oct 2008. Doug Hubbard reviews his original "anything can be measured" concept for an audience of architects. The message of the reasons why some things still seem intangible or immeasurable...

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Measuring Up

by Karen Schwartz FedTech, 02/15/2006 Karen Schwartz interviews Doug Hubbard, among others, about measurements in the Federal Government. [view article]

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Are Weighted Averages for Vendor Selection a Waste of Time?

by Dan Gilmore Supply Chain Digest, 06/15/2004 Dan Gilmore interviews Doug Hubbard about the use of weighted scoring methods for selection of vendors for supply chain management. It is a short but fairly complete discussion of the shortcomings of decision...

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Getting More Precise at Risk Assessment

The Editors Eweek, 11/10/2003 Baseline interviews Doug Hubbard about how to start thinking about IT risk more like an actuary would, instead of the subject "1 to 5" scales. Another consultant interviewed for the story says scientific measurements are "ideal in theory"...

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Case Study by Elana Varon, Expert Analysis by Doug Hubbard CIO Magazine, 08/08/2003 The State of Iowa implements a new weighted scoring system in this entry in CIO Magazine's ongoing case study series. While Varon believes weighted scoring methods are a valid...

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A Buyer’s Guide to IT Value Methodologies

by Tracy Mayor CIO Magazine, 07/15/2002 This is a fairly comprehensive review of IT valuation methods. Follow the "probabilistic methods" link to go to the section that discusses AIE. It errs in distinguishing a clear line between Real-Options Valuation and AIE (AIE...

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IT Portfolio Management

Joanne Cummings Network World Fusion, 04/01/2002 April 4, 2002 Network World writer Joanne Cummings interviews Doug Hubbard about assessing risk and return in IT portfolios. [view article]

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Containing the Pain of Scope Creep

By Regina Kwon and Anna Maria Virzi Baseline, 3/1/2002 Doug Hubbard provides the authors with a practical example of the costs of adding one more function to software in development. The true costs are probably greater than you expect once a few categories of "hidden...

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