Big Decisions Blog
The latest news and insights from the team at Hubbard Decision ResearchIn Russian
Hello, [I have] short question - where i can find the book in Russian? On the site it is written that the translation exists. I`m writing postgraduate research on the efficiency of IT - it is quite interesting to take a deep look into your methodology, but the...
Standard Deviation and Destributions
Originally posted at, on Tuesday, February 03, 2009 9:20:28 AM, by lascar. "Hello. I've enjoyed the book and am trying to apply AIE to some of our IT decision making. Unfortunately I don't have a statistician's background and my...
Measuring Prevention
Originally posted on on Monday, December 22, 2008 4:23:05 PM, by Dynera. "Hi Doug, I have your book on order and I was wondering if you cover the measurement of preventation effectivenss. For instance, I was involved with a...
First Print Errata
Welcome to the Errata thread in the book discussion of the How to Measure Anything Forum. An author goes through a lot of check with the publisher but some errors manage to get through. Some my fault, some caused by the typesetter or publisher not making previous...
Computing the Value of Information
Originally posted at, on Monday, December 08, 2008 10:08:08 PM, by Unknown. "I’m trying to quickly identify the items I need to spend time measuring. In your book, you determine what to measure by computing the value of...
How do we measure the level of alignment of an organization to its stated strategy goals?
Originally posted at, on Monday, December 08, 2008 9:32:43 PM, by Amichai. "The challenge is to come up with a simple, clearly defined number (or a few numbers) that reflect how well the organization is executing towards the goals...
Challenge Me
As I mentioned in the book, I often offer a sort of measurement challenge to an audience where I'm speaking about measuring the immeasurable. I ask anyone listening to give me an example of an impossible measurement at any time during the conference and, after a 15...
Facilitating Calibrated Estimates
The book shows that calibrated probability assessments really do work and it gives the reader some idea about how to employ them. But facilitating a workshop - with calibrated estimates or any other formal method - has its own challenges. Participants ask questions or...